Pizza Peralta style
Cooler days
Although the lovely long days of summer are fading, there are some real advantages to the coming of the cooler days. I guess I like Summer as much as the next person. Certainly living here in
Brisbane we enjoy lots of warm days just perfect for swimming and the beach however, there's something really exciting about cooking in the cooler months. The shorter days bring a fresh round of enthusiasm to cook in the cooler weather and yet at this transition time, still enjoy the bright daylight we have at days end. Dessert of course comes into its own - now it feels really comforting to enjoy pastry and chocolate in all it's glory - both at
Dello Manoand at home.
Comfort Time - get the oven going!
So lets make the most of the transition, enjoy what we can outdoors, use the oven more and start to enjoy some great chocolate and pastry as we embrace Autumn. One of the things we like to do as a family is enjoy the last bastions of the verandah and its view of the sun set, by cooking pizza. We make the dough in advance so at the end of a long day we have it ready to go. We enjoy the creativity of using what we have available but more often than not it is prosciutto and olives that usually take centre stage.
Sharing different types makes it more fun
Sour cream always makes it more fun!
Olives coupled with basil fresh from the garden make a favourite
We love chocolate and pastry anytime of the year, however there is something exciting about being back in the kitchen baking after the long summer. Fresh with this enthusiasm, we were inspired to do a traditional
Tarte Tartin to finish off this meal. What a treat!
Traditional Tarte Tatin
Gorgeous, gorgeous caramelised apple - it is amazing. Definitely warranting a close up - here it is!
Caramalised apple on our Tarte Tatin
If you'd like the recipes just let me know. Although Summer has technically ended, enjoy returning to the oven and these last throws of warm, long days.